Straight stitch is the most basic stitch of the hundreds of stitches used for embroidery.
Running stitch is orderly placed straight stitches in a row
A stitch that one need not 'learn', but, comes automatically when given a needle and thread. Probably, the foundation of most of the stitches
And, if one thinks out of the box, Stem stitch, Back stitch and even the Fish bone Stitch would seem to be variations of Straight Stitch.
Variations of Straight stitch are :
- Running Stitch
- Satin Stitch
- Granitos
- Bundle Stitch
- Holbein Stitch
- Fern Stitch
- Thorn Stitch
- Seeding stitch,
- Seed stitch
- Eyelet Stitch
- Diamond Eyelet Stitch
- Spoke stitch
- Algerian Stitch
- Zig zag Stitch
- Arrowhead Stitch
- Bosnian Stitch
- Paris Stitch
- Four Sided Stitch
- Lantern Stitch
- Fan Stitch
- Radiating Stitch
Where all Straight Stitch is exclusively used:
- Straight Stitch used in Chicken Scratch Embroidery
- Straight Stitch used in Bargello Needlepoint (gobelin stitch, tent stitch)
- Straight Stitch used in Pulled thread Work - Four Sided Stitch
Here are eight pictures of Embroideries using straight stitch. Look how a small difference in strokes gives varied appearance. Click on the pictures to Go to the respective websites.

And last but not the least
Source: Pinterest
Upcoming posts
1. Bundle Stitch
2. Fern Stitch Vs. Thorn Stitch
3. Seed Stitch Vs. Seeding Stitch
4. Eyelet Stitch, Diamond Eyelet Stitch, Algerian Stitch and Spoke Stitch
5. Zig Zag Stitch, Arrowhead Stitch and Bosnian Stitch
6. Paris Stitch Vs. Four Sided Stitch
7. Lantern Stitch, Fan Stitch and Radiating Stitch
Happy Stitching!
Happy Stitching!