Today's post is on how a little tulip motif has been embroidered in Schwalm White work. I had posted earlier on the Circle motif and worked a Basic Marburg filling stitch. As I wanted to try a different stitch I could not post the Marburg stitch in detail this time.
is just an illustration of steps that I followed and not a tutorial as I
don't claim it to be 100% correct, Still I have sincerely tried to work
it the same way as it should be. Consider this as an impetus to start Schwalm White work embroidery.
The tulip motif has been reinforced with the Coral Stitch on the outside and the Chain Stitch on the inside.
I have worked a Basic filling stitch here. This stitch reinforces the threads after the drawn thread work after which other decorative filling stitches can be done. For this small motif the basic filling stitch itself looks sufficient.
After the drawn thread work the motif looks like this. The fabric is even more fine than what the magnified picture looks like. Counting thread to draw it is even more difficult. For this matter, the thread count differs in two place. Can you spot the difference?
Threads drawn in a 2-3 pattern ( Withdraw 2 threads and leave 3)
Pictorial representation of the first row
The long axis of the motif here is not along the grain of the fabric hence the drawn thread appears to be diagonally placed. The stitch is worked diagonally so the adjust accordingly.
The stitch is worked from left to right
Row 1 completed
To start the second row turn the work Upside down and work from left to right
The picture of one step could not be uploaded. After the above picture work next stitch the same way as the picture no. 3 of the first row (shown above) and then work the step in picture shown below.
While working the next row Turn the work again so that the stitch is worked from left to right.

Please note that the needle tip should go under the thread and not over it as shown above.The stitch is correct , just that pull the needle up keeping the thread over it to avoid a knot.
Continue working in the same manner.
This is how the sampler looks after the two motifs are done. Lots more to work....